Piggy’s little Blog

Don’t lie to youself you are fat.

Building your own support system.

Losing weight is going to be one of the toughest things you will have to do in your life time.

It is a struggle of the mind, and body, and although you need to do it for yourself, and by yourself, you also need some type of support system to help you over come the various hurtles that you will face during this new time in your life.

Your Friends.

                             – We have already talked about how to, and what to do with Negative friends so I wont go in depth here about them. Just realize that your friends in every capacity are part of your support system. Most good  friends can read your face and tell if you are just a  little bit down. They are the people at the finish line of a race you have decided to run they essentially support you and your weight loss goals. Make sure that you have good friends. Make sure that they truley support you and your new lifestyle. They are the biggest part of any support system, and unlike your family you get to choose who you are friends with so choose wisley my friends, choose wisley.


Your Family.

                             -Families come like us they come in all shapes and sizes. Some are quite large, while others are very small. Either way your family is a very large part of your support system. This piggy has a great family, a mom who understands my weight loss struggle because she has had to go through it, A step-dad that does not put “junk” food into the house anymore because he knows it will tempt me too much, and a Sister who has always supported me in everything that I have done. I am basically lucky, and I realize  for whatever reason some people are not as lucky as I am, they lack that closeness with their family. You will need them though, so it’s time to get over whatever issues are keeping them at a distance from you and accept them back into you lives. Some of you may have children of various ages. They need to realize that just as they have leaned on you for the duration of their lives, you will find times in which you will now have to lean on them. If they live with you just remember that not only are you changing your own life, you are essentially changeing theirs. They must realize that no longer will there be late night runs to the local fast food joint, no longer will there be  a high amount of junk food in the house, they will have to realize that the old you is gone. The new you is here to stay, and that they, just like you, must embrace these postivie lifestyle changes for good, because they, like you  are not going away.

Your “Siggnificant Other”

                              -Your Husband, Wife, Boyfriend, Girlfriend, and Fiannces will all play A MAJOR ROLE in your weight loss success. I have heard so many excuses from wives, they say that their husbands are “allready thin so he can eat whatever he wants, when he wants it, so  I still buy him ‘his’ foods.” Let me knock some sense into that fat head of yours, being thin does not equal healthy. Some of these wives will do most of the grocery shopping (yes, I am being stero-typical right now), and will buy great foods for themselves, but will also buy junk food for their husbands. Ummmmm ?????????????????????? Are you kidding me? If you do this, you will fail. YOU WILL FAIL. The problem here is not that your husband dosen’t care, the problem here is that you don’t communicate with each other.  You have probably not told your husband or wife what it is that you are doing, what this means to you, they married you so therefore they love you, hell they even love the fat you. Communication is the key people. If you are not married and have a boyfriend or girlfriend make sure that they are aware of your struggles and how they can help you. In the end your siggnificant other should understand, respect, but most of all support you through your weight loss journey.


In the end you are changing yourself, so therefore your friends, family, and siggnificant others must change with you or at the very least respect the changes you want to make.


Oink, Oink my friends……….

March 5, 2009 Posted by | Success | , , , | Leave a comment